
Mathew’s Deck Boat Peggy Marks Her First 100 Years with a Painting by John Barber

Mathews-built deck boat, Peggy, will mark her first 100-years in 2025. As part of the commemoration, Mathews Maritime Foundation has commissioned renowned artist John Barber to depict Peggy at work, off New Point Comfort light. Built by Harry Hudgins in the William West yard, Peggy was named after the daughter of the owner, Walter Burroughs of New Point. Walter and his brother-in-law Raymond Hudgins employed Peggy in the pound net fishery until Raymond’s death in the 1930s. Captain Walter was soon joined by his son Richard and in the 1950s had the boat decked over and shifted into the crab fisheries. In 1946 the bottom was replaced by noted local builder Alton Smith. In 1961 Peggy was sold to Ed Grinnell of New Point and she was re-configured for pound fishing again. Captain Ed would eventually return to crab dredging when that fishery became more profitable and he continued to work Peggy for 40 more years until finally and reluctantly selling her in 2001. Kim and Gretchen Granberry ha...

Photos from the race

Dave Machen grabbed some photos of the Peggy at the MVFD Buyboat Race, Sat. June 22.  Great job Peggy and Kerry! 

Peggy is a winner!

Peggy recently participated and placed third in a buyboat race at Williams Wharf. Follow the link below to read the article from Thursday, June 27 . "MVFD Boat Docking Contest/Buyboat Race  ‘a huge success’"

Heritage Festival, Sept. 30, 2023

If you're a  Peggy  fan, you'll want to visit the Gwynn's Island Boat Shop during the Mathews Maritime Foundation's upcoming Heritage Festival.  Grilled oysters, historic boats, boatbuilding, and more! 10AM-4PM, Saturday, 9/30/23 Gwynn's Island Boat Shop on Old Ferry Rd. And other exhibits at the Mathews Maritime Museum at 482 Main St., Mathews, VA. Thank you Mike Moore for photos of Peggy at the dock.

Paint on Peggy

  Pegg's annual haul-out, Deltaville, VA. She has now been re-launched and is currently in Horn Harbor for minor carpentry repairs.

The Buy Boats Travel the Bay 2022

Peggy and the boats at Horn Harbor Marina in Mathews. Aug. 2, 2022 The boats continue on to Smithfield on Wednesday. For m ore information see   Gazette-Journal - July 27, 2022 ___________

Peggy Work

It's that time again... Peggy getting her annual haulout, cleaning and painting.