
Showing posts from 2014

Peggy Floats

What a pair! Santa rides the Peggy float with our elves in the 2014 Christmas parade. Santa must be receiving a text from a child on his list. All decked out in front of the Mathews Firehouse. A special thanks to Branscome Trucking for pulling us along. Volunteers add the final touches before launch time. Leaving Thomas Hunter Middle School. Terry Grinnell Hudgins, daughter of Ed Grinnell who owned and worked the Peggy for many years, gives a wave.

Getting Parade-Ready

Peggy's old pilothouse sits atop a trailer as we prepare for the annual Mathews Christmas Parade. We have the honor this year of carrying the big guy, Santa. Dave and other volunteers have been cutting boards to sure up the walking platform and building up the sides. She will look like a little boat adorned with lights and hopefully fresh greens from the Extension Service wreath-making group. Parade is this weekend. This has become a really nice tradition for MMF.

Back at the dock

A beautiful site. Thank you Dave Machen for the photo.

Peggy goes to the Tides Inn...

Ahoy All, Summer is here already.........I knew we could all outlast that brutal, arctic blast. Here are a few photos of the PEGGY at the Tides Inn event.  It was good for MMF. Keep Smilin'
An update on PEGGY's sailing schedule: Today she will move from Urbanna to Carter's Creek. On Saturday, November 22nd, PEGGY will be among four invited vessels to be showcased from the pier head at the Tides Inn.  This is for an annual occasion called Taste by the Bay. This appears to be a good time in the making.  With only four, short weeks before our days are graced by the return of the sun, each of us will soon have to begin our preparations for next summer's arrival. So, let's celebrate the end of darkness.

At the Urbanna Oyster Festival

A beautiful weekend for the annual Urbanna Oyster Festival, Nov. 7 and 8, 2014. Here, Peggy of New Point with the Godspeed, F.D Crockett and Propwash. Kids Education day was Thursday. George Pongonis, Dennis Crawford, and Dave Machen had a pound net display and sawing demonstration. Sea Chanty singers demonstrated the pulling of the nets with song, and John England demonstrated lifting oysters by bucket full with a block and tackle into a buy boat.

Peggy gets mast

Mast is back on Peggy, she looks great.  We still need to finish up some things before Urbanna Oyster Festival, but is looking very good, we should be proud. A big thanks to Morningstar for accommodating us. A few pictures of today's work... (Photos courtesy of Dave Machen)

Mast being installed...

Here are several of today's pictures of the mast being installed on Peggy.  I took plenty of pictures, this is a sampling.
Work on Peggy continues. She recently returned, having her waist completed, chain plates mounted, stainless steel stem cover installed, and hole cut in the deck for the mast. Mast should be installed in a week...

Heading Home

Back in the water, looking at Gwynn's Island from the pilot house. And a view of Deltaville, looking back. Nice to have Peggy back in the water. Just before launch, at Deltaville Boat Yard.

Haulout - Day 5

The rain slowed us down then put a stop to our painting today. Pete and George got the patch board sanded and 2 coats of epoxy on. Dave Machen got the propeller bearing housing bolted in with the new longer lag bolts. And Pete started painting the white top coat until the rain stopped him. She sure is looking good.

Haulout - Day 4

Dave Mortimer fits a new plank to the side.

Haulout - Day 2

Pete Hall working on the sides of Peggy. May be painting on primer tomorrow. Still have more patching to do, but she is looking better. Page Herbert working on the sides. We had 2 boatwrights from the marina working today on some of the repairs with 6 MMF volunteers.

Haulout - Day 1

Peggy is out of the water at Deltaville Boat Yard.  Here is the lady on blocks. We had a crew of 7 volunteers working on her: Scraping, sanding, cleaning the prop and rudder and removal of the shaft bearing to enable the repair of the bolts.

Peggy Poker Run 2014

56 riders motored their way to Gwynn's Island, Va. Picture perfect weather, and this beautiful shot was taken by volunteer Dave Machen. We had a mess of crabs waiting at the Boat Shop (Thank You Kerry Hall for donating!) Participants traveled first to the Sunset Grill in Deltaville, then to the Blue Dog, and Damon's in Gloucester, before returning to the island. The lady  Peggy sits waiting for visitors. Prizes went out for 50/50 raffle, poker hands, and other accolades. Looks like a good way to end the day. The run was a success.