
Showing posts from August, 2014

Heading Home

Back in the water, looking at Gwynn's Island from the pilot house. And a view of Deltaville, looking back. Nice to have Peggy back in the water. Just before launch, at Deltaville Boat Yard.

Haulout - Day 5

The rain slowed us down then put a stop to our painting today. Pete and George got the patch board sanded and 2 coats of epoxy on. Dave Machen got the propeller bearing housing bolted in with the new longer lag bolts. And Pete started painting the white top coat until the rain stopped him. She sure is looking good.

Haulout - Day 4

Dave Mortimer fits a new plank to the side.

Haulout - Day 2

Pete Hall working on the sides of Peggy. May be painting on primer tomorrow. Still have more patching to do, but she is looking better. Page Herbert working on the sides. We had 2 boatwrights from the marina working today on some of the repairs with 6 MMF volunteers.

Haulout - Day 1

Peggy is out of the water at Deltaville Boat Yard.  Here is the lady on blocks. We had a crew of 7 volunteers working on her: Scraping, sanding, cleaning the prop and rudder and removal of the shaft bearing to enable the repair of the bolts.