Peggy update from the Mar. 2017 newsletter, "The Broadside"

Peggy’s Chesapeake Bay Marathon ... by George Pongonis Can you imagine running a marathon after passing your ninetieth birthday? How about the events that our ninety-one year old flagship, the PEGGY of NEW POINT participated in during the previous year? After her annual haul-out at Keith Ruse’s Deltaville Boatyard, she was fitted with her summer awning and headed for Cape Charles to join her peers. This occasion marked the kick-off of the 12 th Annual Chesa- peake Buy Boat Tour. Captain Kerry Hall along with Bob Gammisch, his faithful bayman-in- training, piloted Mathews County’s Maritime Ambassador from one waterfront festival to another through the first two weeks of August. After three days of meeting crowds in Cape Charles that numbered in the thousands, PEGGY headed up the Bay with the rest of the Buy Boat fleet to Tangier Island for a casual reception. This event was truly a highlight for many of the Island’s residents who personally recall several of these work boa...