We need you! Nov. 3-5 at Urbanna

Greetings from your all-volunteer crew of the 91 yr. old, PEGGY of New Point, VA!

Raise your hand if you could use some more fun in your life.  Now, wasn’t that easy?

This goes out to you as a member of the Mathews Maritime Foundation, in the hope that you might enjoy an opportunity to participate in PEGGY’s involvement in the upcoming, Urbanna Oyster Festival.

The attached photo shows students from Middlesex County schools attending a day of learning experiences that teach about the many wonders of the Chesapeake Bay.

We use the PEGGY of New Point to illustrate the work necessary to harvest fish from the waters of the Bay. The fun involves the use of a “two-man” saw to cut trees into the poles that support the nets used in fish traps known as the pound net fishery.

Once these groups of children pair-up into two person teams, a competitive spirit seems to take over.  They really enjoy this hands-on activity while learning, as well.

Following Education Day on Thursday, November 3rd, the Urbanna Oyster Festival kicks-off on Friday and runs all-day on Saturday, November 5th
PEGGY will return to Mathews on Sunday with Captain Kerry Hall’s able hands at her helm.

This entire event is legendary as a seasonal celebration of the bounty of our region.

We are in need of your assistance as a volunteer.  There are a host of tasks that need to be staffed; and there is no particular experience necessary.  If you may like to give this a try, email your reply to George Pongonis at godfreybay@me.com

We sincerely thank you for your consideration.

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